

Who should I be?
Nobody is truly listening to me.
They only believe what they can see.
It’s really hard to be myself you know,
I’m melting and fading and wilting away,
I do it because they tell me so,
I tried my hardest to be myself today.
They molded my reaction,
Like I’m some sort of circus attraction,
The fingers point at me; even…my own.
I should have kept quiet, I should have known.
Nothing good comes from a loose tongue,
Everything flows out except for a sorry sung.
Alas, my efforts to be my soul,
at the end of the day has taken its toll.
Weeping, I think of the mess I’ve made,
I look into your eyes that are crafted with Jade.
And when I want to hide out of sight,
Your unconditional smile weaves into my heart it’s light.
I pick up my heart in which it’s soothed by my Lord,
And I decide to try again the next day,
It doesn’t matter if I can’t do it because he always makes a way.
Forevermore, there’s a fee,
When repeating an apology,
But her Jade eyes and his heavenly love,
Will be a reminder that I can choose who I want to be.

© Moonchild_