

The Flowers We Planted
I've always been fond of stories with mystery,
When criminals do their act, with no traces behind.
When detectives get their codes, and they decipher it with ease,
Wonderful isn't it? The kind of beauty I adore!

I enjoyed too much, a mystery came to my life!
My dear sweet bestfriend had gone to disappearance,
No traces left behind! No clues for me to find!
A real life mystery huh? This sure is so fun!

Its been a week since the disappearance,
I've been looking everywhere, but there's nothing to find!
I looked in possible places, even in the places you can't even fit!
Oh my dear bestfriend, just where have you gone?

Years passed by, and my friend is still gone
Ah I'm so lonely, my friend please come back.
I'd consider you as dead, since no trace of you was left.
I maniacally laughed, oh well I hid you well.

Good news my dear bestfriend, they accepted that you're gone.
I'm now at our favourite place, where all of you was left behind.
In this field full of flowers, where we met and became friends.
In this field full of flowers, you also met your end.

Standing at this field, the winds blew very wildly.
The flowers we planted were dancing gracefully.
Well it's thanks to the parts of your beautiful body,
All of them have gone to bloom tons of beauty.

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