

Threads of Life.
In the tapestry of life, we find,
Moments woven, one of a kind.
With threads of joy and threads of strife,
A symphony of moments, precious and rife.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
We learn to spread our wings and fly.
In every step we take, we find,
Lessons that shape and mold our mind.

Cherish the laughter, embrace the tears,
For they are the colors of the fleeting years.
Seek the beauty in the simplest things,
Love's gentle touch, the song that springs.

Life's tapestry may fray and mend,
Yet in its imperfections, we transcend.
Embrace the journey, both bright and gray,
For in its tapestry, we find our way.

So let us dance upon life's stage,
With open hearts and words uncaged.
For in this fleeting, precious time,
We find the true meaning, the sublime.