

I'm Fine
I'm hurting
I'm not okay
They don't see it though
They don't notice
It's okay, it's not like I want them to
It's not like I showcase it either
Turns out i build up a wall unconsciously long ago
My facade! Don't get me started
I somehow became a Pro master
I myself dont even notice it nomore
It's okay can live fine
I have been doing okay all along
They seem happy
They look happy
They are happy
It's all smiles on them, how nice
True happiness, joi de vivre
I don't know nomore
Do i feel it?
True ecstacy! Does it burn in my heart?
I don't know
I don't know if I even still remember the feeling
Maybe it's there
I hope, i think so I don't know
It's all good though
Trees deciduate
Get what i mean by that
If not it's okay
Maybe i am one of those trees
Am smiling
I don't know if it's cause there's an ignition of bliss in me
Or maybe it's amusement of what am outputting here
It's okay
It's cool
I'm good
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