

I just Wanna be with You

The Night before Full Moon Day,
I saw you in my Night dreams Sprinkling,
I laid in the Green lawn of dark night
of my dreams only having your Moonlit
And of thought of basking in it.

I see those Dark Blue Night Sky now
Your Light made my visible black to blue
How much power you hold to turn my
life this soothing?
How much Efforts and Love you had for
me to turn me this Hopeful for you?

I see the Rapid moments of the Clouds
which isn't running slow anymore,
they don't form any picture anymore,
they don't rain in your Moonlit anymore
The Sun made the Clouds cry, but
you made them go home in their hurry tone.

As the Clouds unveil the Night Blue sky
I saw the splashing stars all over,
you are beautiful, near Blue Sky.

When I saw you again as a form of Moon
I wanna be with you,
I'm a Poet in love with you,
Our distance and Our Destination
don't matter anymore

I'm in Love and I'm Crazy about you
and really obsessed to be with you

as those many thousand thoughts
ran around my mind as wandering stars
I remember closing my eyes and laying
down in the lawn forever.

Did you take my Soul with you
for Loving you? 🖤

© Isai