

A life like everyone ✌️
A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney
Everyone is now looking to
my money,
the empty pocket shows the value now,
there is no land left for me though,
so I gone make my one now ,

to tell them this is just a showcase of fading memories,
to glow it with my own remedies,
to create it with my crown a
and to make it from my throne,
to show them my frown
and cause them to become Insane ,
Now they are whinning about my luck,
You rock head don't know the meaning of hardwork so
don't think other would too
And about me
I am just making my own route ,
through the spiky ones ,
dare to step on it you will tear apart ,
so don't follow me otherwise you will fall with no future or past .
© Payal Nahak