

The Unrequited Love's Lamentation

My eyes once shone bright with love for you,
A charm that was genuine, though never true.
I thought my heart's pure feelings would suffice,
But yours remained silent, leaving me to suffice.

I questioned if you ever loved me in return,
But the answer was silence, a heart that yearned.
I thought you were mine, but reality seemed to hide,
Leaving me with tears that fell, and a heart that divide.

I searched for you in the darkness, but lost my way,
And when I fell, your hands weren't there to stay.
I confessed my love, but your eyes showed no sign,
Leaving me to wonder if everything was just a lie in time.

You prioritized others' feelings, but never mine,
And I'm left to ponder if our love was ever divine.
Though this may not be the end, our love will never start,
A poignant reminder that sometimes love remains unrequited in the heart.

© Bishal kalita