

the cross roads
Dear loved ones i want you to know i fucked up.
for some people hating there life is just the way they like it. See Satan raised me but I just wanted to be God's babie i don't mean in a literal sense i just mean i was grown in evil but all the things I like were peaceful. I find it hard to relate to people I'm told to be a leader but that doesn't fit me either cause we're I've been nobody should go sometimes i feel like it's better if I just leave the world alone. or jack a car with no one in it and drive At a wall and see if I can get triple digits before I hit it. but to be fair I could be a good teacher I've already mapped out the routes in hell but even I didn't come out my whole self. and a door has to be open first to be closed so Be careful where you go it's not always a angel at a cross roads.
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