

Nothing seems to heal my mind,
it's like am losing everything,
I think that my eyes are sitting outside my head,
The more I see the world, the less I like it,
nothing can take away my breath ,like the way you did,
kill my heart, and leave me empty shell,
I'm just waiting for you to start hating me again,

It's time to put you to sleep forever ,
the sleep that you will never awake
I don't want you to harm me any more,
nothing is worse than being killed slowly
just closing my eyes,
it's like am sleeping forever,
and never to wake up and see YOU,
I'm just trying to find a best place ,to make my heart relieved

The best position atleast to make you sleep forever,
should I just poison you!,
or should I just kill you with my hands!!?
Should I just hang you,
so that I can remove you out of my heart!!?
No!!!! I know the best solution,
Is to make myself sleep forever,
while laying there, with my eyes closed,
may be you will be free,
and am sure you won't be hurt by me
any more!!!.

Written by:

Pheona MALID .N.

© Pheonahnassazi@gmail. com