

Sunflowers 🌻
In golden fields, where whispers kiss the breeze,
A marvel blooms, bathed in celestial light.
A sunflower, regal and proud, takes its ease,
A portrait of nature's resplendent might.

Its countenance turns toward the radiant sun,
Aloft, it stands, a beacon in the day.
With face upturned, its journey's just begun,
A seeker of warmth, a seeker of a way.

Oh, handsome sunflower, with petals ablaze,
You wear the sun's hues upon your fragile frame.
Yet, in your gaze, a secret truth displays,
A mirror of a soul, unburdened by shame.

For you, dear flower, speak of courage and might,
Of strength that blossoms from within the core.
Through shadows, you emerge, a beacon of light,
And teach us how to grow, to seek and explore.

Each petal, a chapter, a story untold,
Unfolding with grace, in layers of gold.
A tapestry woven, emotions unfold,
A testament to resilience, brave and bold.

Rooted deep, you stand amidst the strife,
Symbol of unwavering fidelity.
An individual, in the dance of life,
Fierce and unyielding, in your own decree.

Oh, sunflower, your beauty lies not alone,
In vibrant petals and a regal mien.
But in the spirit that you've come to own,
A reminder to embrace the unseen.

So, let us learn from this majestic bloom,
To seek the light, where shadows may reside.
To rise above, and banish inner gloom,
With radiant hearts, our souls undenied.

For just like you, dear sunflower so fair,
We too possess the power to rise and shine.
To face the world with audacious flair,
And bloom, against all odds, in life's design.
- s.s

© s. 🎧⭑