


"Why are you always sad around me?" oh boy, how do I explain this?,
You can't handle the truth, if I say, you'll feel like shit,
Because it will break your heart to know I don't consider us close,
Too much things have happened and we don't like to talk about those,
Or you'll bring religion into it, telling me I need to forgive,
Thing is I have, but this is not how you thought we'd live,
You want smiles and companionship, a bond like sisters,
I honestly can't give you that, but if I say, you'll shatter,
You say i don't like you and in all fairness, I think it true,
I don't think I love you either, but I do understand you,
And it makes me sad, to think this is all we'll ever be,
But you've let me down before, and I have to protect me,
So though I'm grateful for all you've done since being here,
I can't pretend for your sake, sometimes I really couldn't care,
You see, you reap what you sow, when you neglect emotionally,
Now the distance is huge, oh boy does that make you feel sorry,
Because you don't get it, and I don't know how to explain,
In a way you'll understand, That will lessen the pain,
So I will mask, to spare you from these feelings that you can't manage,
You tried your best, I know this, but you still left behind some damage.

© C.Wynter