

Life can make you happy,
Life can make you smile,
Life can make you laugh and giggle,
But remember,

Life can also make you fall,
Life can make you stumble,
Life may make you cry,
Life may make you feel worthless,
But just remember,

You choose a way to look at life,
You choose how to respond to it,
You may hate life when you don’t get you way,
You may hate life when you loose people you love dearly,
But that can’t stop you from fulfilling
You purpose.

God has a plan for you,
He has helped you in your darkest moments,
In you trials,
He has been there for you when you cry,
He has helped you up when you fell,
He has comforted you when you thought that you were a failure.

God doesn’t like it when we’re sad,
God doesn’t it like it when we’re crying.
Because when you are, he’s sad, he’s crying because you are.
He cares about you more than you think.
He died for us.
He could have stepped of that cross and said “I’m not doing this!”
But he didn’t.

He stayed up there so YOU could have a life,
So YOU could life out your dreams and be happy.
He did it to see you smile.
Because when you smile Jesus is overwhelmed with happiness.

© Samuel