

Rainbows Of Love
If I had you, what heavens I would enjoy. Ahh... Rainbows of love, you'd be my favorite new toy

If I had you, my love, the world would transform into a breathtaking canvas.

I would paint the sky in hues of beautiful gold and scarlet leaving you quite emotionally breathless.

The moon, jealous of our love, would hide in the shadows, unable to compete with love greater than Romeo & Juliet passion that would follow.

We would dance among the stars, twirling in an ethereal waltz, as star constellations whispered the secrets of our love just because.

Each breath we shared would carry the sweet fragrance of wild roses, permeating the air with an intoxicating aroma.

Hand in hand, we would explore enchanted forests. Where trees would sway to the rhythm of our beating hearts. Ah...so glorious.

Every touch, every kiss, would ignite a wildfire of desire, burning brighter than any flame known to man. And as the night embraced us in its velvety embrace, only love would dare take us higher and higher.

We would become one with the universe, our souls weaving together seamlessly, like phoenix flame and our love would eclipsed even Romeo & Juliet.

Yeah, simply put them to shame...

© Charles Kemp