

Loneliness, A Boon.....
Loneliness, A Boon, if you desire a peace of mind .....

It is your own self-created space, if you want to spare sometime for yourself ......

It is an atmosphere, which you, essentially need, if you want yourself to be away from the web of an unexpected heart-breaks ......

It is a solitude, that you love to have, if you want to have releif from the unwanted pain which you never thought of it before ......

It is a kind of yours, life-saving security, if you, wish to keep yourself apart from this world for quiet sometime ........

It is a chance, so, as to connect yourself with the nature and their components (flora and Fauna .....) ........

It is a life's best time, a blessing for you, to analyse your goals, your plans, you aspire to pursue,so as to have a bright future ahead ...........

It is a boon, it is a godsend ........

© Dev1996bu