

GOD is more the Good Orderly Direction
The Dragonfly Recovery Experiment Journal Entry 9

Did you know , I have not too many goals, but I have enough goals, I will call them manna! I believe without a doubt in my small little brain that by faith and action I will be content, whether I have much or little, in a rainy season or a drought, my goals are usually the same everyday , to not get to comfortable , to Meditate on The Divine Inspired Word of God ,and to walk out a living testimony that brings glory to Yeshua, my goal for today is to walk through the uncomfortable , I may flinch , stutter, I might even drag my feet, or grumble, but I will keep going , I might even flip a couple of birds along the way , my goal for today is to find that divine inspiration because I know it's there waiting to be had , like a treasure chest hidden in the strangest places, I am on a search for hidden manna , that fills me and keeps me full until the next day. My goal for today is to remain teachable, My goal for today is to not be the same person that I was yesterday , I am ever-changing , I am transforming , I am that new creation that keeps growing under the mighty hand of God's microscope , My Goal for today is to find that treasure , and to give it away, I want the fullness and abundance of God , when you take fullness away from fullness, fullness still remains , My Goal for today is .....TOo Hunger and thirst after righteousness, to be filled , Shalom , Shalom, Blessed are the Peacemakers, blessed are the mourning, blessed are those who are persecuted for his name sake, blessed are the meek, blessed , blessed, blessed.......you will see God, you will be filled, you will be comforted,you will inherit peace, you will inherit the earth..... Blessed are you! GOD BLESS YOU , 🤧