

Never Ending
The never ending love,
Of the tree and it's leaves,
The never ending love,
Of the river with the sea,
The never ending love,
Of the flower and the honey bee,
The never ending love,
Of the clouds with the sky,
The never ending love,
Of the rain for the crops,
The never ending love,
Of the wind and my hairs,
The never ending love,
Of the mother who always cares,
The never ending love,
Of the nature for humans because it always forgives,
Mad me realise, love is something which you can't buy.
-Sanvi Gurpude
© Sanvi Gurpude

@Sans_191 @Samy6749 @Dolly12 @SukiAM @LssLaxmanSingh @ManyaB @RaquelCosta @Vijay568 @heer