

US poem by Nimbus feels
Filtered are the words that I say
Constricted are the things that I do
Afraid of being imperfect in your eyes
You are distant, so distant I hate the thought
Am trying hard to have you back
And I just have to be careful not to make you mad
   How though did we become like this?
   When did we become so loose?
    We used to be so close
    But now,
Keeping a tight rein on me everyday
My presence an irritation
And I'm stuck between words
Your face so obscure
Your lips in a tight line, jaws tight
Silently asking me off
Your eyes dark
Clearly filled with hatred
 But I smile
 Blind to your aloof
 Because am not ready to let go
 Not of you and not of our past
 Because when I look back to the past
 The beginning was just like this
  And am not gonna let the end be the same
I need you
The you in my past
Who looked at me with a face full of love
The you whose smile was only for me...
so bright it was,
Like the sun
And yours eyes twinkled like the stars
So bright they were
Your lips parted
Sometimes in a grin, sometimes in smirk
 I miss you
 You whose sweet words were only for me
  You who listened with a smile
  To every gibberish I said
  You who looked at me
  Like I was a piece of meat
  Ready to be savoured by you
  Because at your mercy I was
You who always wanted to know what was on my mind
No matter how childish, useless and pointless it was
You who clutched me in your arms
Possessing me and labelling me yours
I miss you
I miss us
I miss the sleepless nights full of conversation
  My ears stinging from your voice,
 So pure
Ringing and echoing into a laugh
And it was I, mastermind of it
           I miss you
             I miss us

© nimbus feels