

I feel numb, stuck, trapped
My insecurities worsen each day
I miss my extraverted self
Where have I gone???!!!!!

I am existing, not living
I'm not unhappy nor am I sad
I'm apathetic, neither here nor there

No movement -stagnant- nothing changes
Yet my life, my home, myself,
Have changed beyond recognition

I'm using the nothingness to heal
Educate, restore, fix, mend
In the stillness, I hear my soul
My brain refuses to acknowledge it

Mindset unstable, undecided,
Body ages before my eyes
Spirit vulnerable yet trusting
Honesty is brutal, uncomfortable for some, necessary for others

Old friends question & probe
New friends aquired along the road
Baggage lost and unlabelled
If found please bin the load

Maybe someday it'll be returned.....
Unopened..... hopefully not
My burdens lifted and pressure alleviated temporarily

This is the ramblings of the mentally unwell
Emotionally unstable is my label
I wear it well, you couldn't tell

Unless you're reading this......

I'll pretend, and disguise the panic in my eyes
Censor my language, no triggers spoken
Not to alarm, of course i don't self harm
Just be quiet and be good. ..........

(#myjourneythroughmadness Kristie Townsend )

Continue to be misunderstood.......
© simplymagickal

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