

Making my way to the circle of druids
Thickit with ticks bellies full of my fluids
Blood fills my shoes as I shred through the brambles
Crows pick at the bugs in my flesh and ramble
Small curses stab at me from beak
Protesting the sickening end that I seek
Maggot mouthed traveler poisons air with my wreak
Battered corpse I stumble on for uncountable weeks
I beseech the trees to release me from toil
Uplift their roots and let me lay in the soil
This pain is mine and I swallow it with dirt
It's not enough to suffer I want it to hurt
Bring me flood and locusts and task me to ruin
Amongst martyrs I'd surely be a shoo-in
Let my innards be outward and spill me to wind
I am the wicked prideful of my sin
Sever this toung and phallus for the evil they spout
Pray my chamber succumbs to drought
I would run myself through if only to pout
You wanted a monster let me erase your every doubt
You need an enemy
I need a friend
Stab at me with your judgment
While I rapture in rend
I will make myself enemy
You will see me for who I truly am
Sing your piety and righteous hate
I will spoil your crop for generation
I will be of tyrant intrepid in my ways
Burning everlasting for the rest of my days
This isn't my doing deliberate with choice
I was born without free will and my very own voice

© Artemis' Arrow