

The cage of shadows
In the depths of despair, a cage of shadow binds,
Depression’s grip, a constant echo that it finds.
Thoughts spiral downward, into a void so deep,
As anxiety’s whispers haunt, a torment never to sleep.

Like a starving soul, anorexia takes it’s toll,
a whispered torment, chipping away at my soul.
Mirrors reflect a distorted image,
a twisted lie,
Amplifying the whispers, fueling the inner cry.

The walls of the cage close in,
Suffocating and tight,
Each breath a laboured struggle,
each day a desperate fight.
Isolation’s cold embrace, a shroud of misery,
Trapped within myself, unable to be free.

The chains of darkness weigh heavy on my mind, a suffocating blanket, obscuring all that’s kind.
Hope flickers freebly, like a candle in the wind,
Threatening to extinguish, leaving only fear and sin.

But through the cracks of the cage,
a glimmer appears,
A whisper of courage, dispelling the darkest fears.
With trembling hands, I reach out,
grasping at a thread,
A lifeline connecting me to the living and the dead.

One step at a time, I break free from the bars,
an exhausting journey, marked by countless scars.
Support surrounds me, like a beacon in the night,
Guiding me towards healing, a distant but hopeful sight.

Though the scars may remain, the cage is finally broken,
Depression’s grip loosens,
Anxiety’s whispers spoken.
Anorexia’s torment fades into the past,
As I emerge from the shadows,
Reclaiming my own vast.

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