

Wisdom Whispers

In the stillness of the night, they softly speak,
Echoes of ages, ancient and meek.
Through the rustling leaves and murmuring streams,
They weave their magic in our dreams.

Guidance from the past, a gentle breeze,
Whispers of wisdom, seeking to appease.
The doubts and fears that cloud our mind,
With truths and insights, pure and kind.

In the silence, they resonate clear,
Lessons of life, both far and near.
From sages of old and poets so wise,
Their voices rise up to the starry skies.

Listen closely to the timeless song,
Of right and wrong, where we belong.
In every heart, their echoes reside,
A compass to steer, a light to guide.

In shadows they dwell, yet brightly they glow,
Wisdom of ages, in whispers they flow.
Embrace their counsel, let it lead your way,
For in their whispers, the truth will stay.
© Santanu

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