

LIFE A Wonderful painting
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.
That shape that shows the curves and side burns of the sketches and images of our existence ,
Shadows reflecting , the sun cast it's light to bring out a grounded portrait of our being .
Speak less and let's make memories ,Memories to make a masterpiece called SUCCESS.
That cheering word that tends to put smiles on faces, races of what I call L-I-F-E
A journey of unknown destinations,repetitions, competitions,
One anthem recital that says , "LIFE IS A JOURNEY".
A pledge of never giving up, going in for greater heights, rights of being democratic with our thoughts and mouth but we tend to fall and rise ,why because is called" LIFE"
Is like a pendulum it swings in different directions "sideways" but then it still tells its own story, Sorry but this is LIFE ,
Either you fail or pass the test it brings on our table .
LIFE, a cycle of stages .
Stages with different performers but with one mic called DESTINATION.
A relaxation session to conclude our story ,
A story filled with pages and chapters ,the preface of where it all began but it all puts out to one Author of the story who never gives up but keeps striving to survive through, A clear victim of
YOU!. for life is an equation on an exams paper to be solved , when is being shared to start work! .


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