

The malicious spirits
will break you as white,
when you are evolving
yourself to reveal quite.

Your past gained their
attention into confession,
and it's epiphany noticed
your imperfection,

Their curse and your dignity
will slide one day,
and your hard work raise again
in the same way,

But not as perfect
but better than today.
Your worth persisting
to be unknown,

maybe it could be a
mysterious stone,
but their scourge never
becomes your reality.

Yet the tragic storm
leading with the cipher,
but soon you're going to taste
its petrichor.

~~~~~~~ 🖤 ~~~~~~~

"The ending tone and the pētrichør
ruins the 24 hours aching cipher."

© Kevin Anthony

Petrichor - The earthy smell after the rain.

For more Poems: #KevinLines
#nature #philosophy
#heartbreak #life
#failure #success