


Let's climb the stairway to the moon,
Then sit and view the beauty of earths' blue lagoon,
The moon will guide us as we go wander along,
As we go romance and all over,just alone

Let's go build the moon
To make it envy of the sun
Let's go forget our past memories,doomed
Let's go make new memories,smooth

Hold on me,as we slowly climb
Hold on me tightly,for I don't want to leave you behind
Hold me dear,if your hands feel weak then by your lips
Let's go make blissful memories,just with our moonly drips

Let's go cherish that solemn trip
And if possible we go live
This dangerous and dark world we go leave
Darling let's go make our fantasies real

Let's go ,up we go,to the pastures so green
Let me hold your waist tightly as you breathe unto my face what you feel
With love beside us, we go chant melodies so real
We go create love dynasty amidst pastures so green

Love let's go, let's go Liz
All the good things beneath moon we go see
All the fresh air amidst atmosphere we go feel
And in the sight of all world creatures we go kiss 😘
© CrazyPoet scripted