

A haven in the storm
Solace, a haven in the storm
A sanctuary from the winds that howl and roar
A safe haven where the heart can heal
And the soul can find a place to feel

Like a beacon in the darkest night,
Solace shines its gentle light,
Guiding us through the tempest of the soul Toward the stillness that makes us whole

It's a place where the weight of the world Can be lifted, and our spirits unfurled

Where the worries and fears of the day Fade away, and peace finds its way

It's a garden of tranquility
Where the mind can be set free
From the chaos and the noise
And the heart can find its poise

Like a bird on the wing,
Solace helps us take flight
From the pain and the sorrow
Toward a brighter tomorrow

So let us seek solace in the night
And find peace in the morning light
For in its embrace, we'll find our way
To a brighter tomorrow, come what may.

© TOBS the Thinker

#Solace #comfort