

Depart in peace
Let her sleep deep,
Let us not weep,
For she is at her journey’s end,
Left with no memories to mend.

It's horrible to see beyond the sorrow
Doubtless, we shall wipe our tears tomorrow
If downpour of tears could form a
I'd trudge on it to heaven and had her

Our memories will become a treasure
The sadness will pass and become a closure
Though it may take a while to surpass
Everything will become more tolerable with time without repass

It's okay to let out emotions
let's all remember
"The separation is temporary"
We shall surely meet her someday

She's left our sight
She remains alive in our heart
We got to die when It's our time
Truly expiry ends a life not a relationship
Until then, "Cherished and Love"

© Wils