

Hold Your Horses
When you stick to your guns
Expecting a better outcome
And pay through the noise
Yet it seems you are hitting
A rough patch
Hold your horses

When you hit the book
Striking the iron when it's hot
While others hit the sacks
And they seem to get a better result
Coupled with bountiful harvest
Hold your horses

When you swallow your pride
Neglecting your self-respect
Because you want peace to rain
And they make you to eat humble pie
Hold your horses

When people harm you with their tongue
Howbeit, you hold your tongue
In that you can't be unruly in reaction
To someone whose density is high
And yet, they point at you
Hold your horses

When you don't save only your skin
But rather struggle for everyone
And yet they stab you in the back
Hold your horses

Hold your horses
For the Rewarder of the diligent ones
Remains active at work

Hold your horses
For the Judge of the universe
Who was not appointed by anyone
Is a just one;judging aright

Hold your horses
For the Supreme King
Who's omniscient and omnicompetent
Is still on the throne

Hold your horses
For the one who has the final say changeth not
© Compadre Bettina