

No cages.
Mine own which I built without knowing,
Was enough imprisonment for a lifetime.
As I love deeply, passionately,
I think of the cages that emerge unconsciously,
And immediately retract, as it is in opposition,
to that which I believe.
But it's the cages of thought most powerful,
Because the heart knows no boundaries,
But the mind creates the lines.
I either abandon all thoughts,
(Which is near impossible)
Or lead with the unencumbered feelings that flow.
While writing,
the words both touch in the mind and the heart,
Thoughts and love energy,
Mingling and provoking through verse,
Wanting to reach beyond,
And pull close...all that matters.
But as I pull,
Do I create cages or freedom?
I just want so much,
(To want things is good),
That the freedom feels like it should happen,
With holding the moon (you),
Close to my heart.
To hold in such a way where it is cherished, nurtured and it soars into the sky.
Dancing, singing and eternal be-ing.
© anissarae