

She Is Tired
She said she was okay.
And you believed her?
Let me tell you whats wrong with her.
She is tired.
That's exactly what she is, tired.
She is tired of getting hurt.
She is tired of being let down.
She is tired to be second choice.
She is tired of caring to little, or not
Caring at all.
She is tired of holding it all in.
She is tired of feeling broken, damaged,
Worthless, never good enough, pain. She is tired of being judged for everthing she does.
She is tired of trying.
She is tired of getting her hopes up.
She is tired of being treated like shit.
She is tired of being herself.
She is tired of being fat.
She is tired,
want to know how i know all this?
Because she is me and i'm realy tired...
© S.Sangwan 💜