

Who said he can't sing Gospel?
The first time I met him; I wasn't even at the facility to see him. He was in the lobby staring at the piano off in the corner. He looked at me as I walked by and stated "ya know I used to play and sing" I followed with "really, that's awesome" when he spoke again it was as if he was trailing off to another world as he stated

" That was when the "church" accepted the song I had to sing"

The next time I saw him his condition had worsened and I was there to offer services of a chaplain. When I entered his room he said I remember you. You are the one who stopped to listen. I responded with " yeah I remember you're the gospel singer". He laughed at that and stated " you forgot old because that was a long time ago" And his focus tapered off after that as if he was lost in another time. I could almost hear him say as I left for the day.

" That was when the "church" accepted the song I had to sing"

On our next visit he divulged that he grew up in the church his father was a pastor. His two older brothers, himself, and his baby sister were in a gospel quartet. He sang tenor. That's where his love of music came from. An' all the congregation said he was truly anointed and as always that's when he reminded me

" That was when the church accepted the song I had to sing."

After several visits he told me about how he was the head worship leader at one of the first mega churches in America. How he had everything he had ever wanted even had CCM execs sniffing around for a deal. But he was caught in the closet with a him. And that was when he left there with no church, no family, no song to sang, nobody. He stated " hell he even seemed to lose his anointing" I replied " nah man I don't think that stuff wears off that easy" He chuckled and sang the refrain of The Anchor Holds. I said, "the Good Books also states where two or more are gathered". He responded with a twinkle in his eyes and a wink. That perhaps that pitiful Sunday wasn't really.

The last time the CHURCH accepted the song he had to sing.

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