

Was friends
Why can't we just be friends
because you need to know the truth.
It's not you not only you
that want to be my friend.
I'm being pulled in more directions
some that I do not want to go.
I don't want to love no not
anyone too many to be loved.
If you were just a friend
we could talk in every way.
You could say the things I want
to hear and things i want to say.
You're making more out of what is
and mixing up a mess.
You're messing up a friendship
that could have been the best.
Why can't we just be friends
that's really all we need if you
would just stop trying to make
it more than what it is.
This is not a love affair
not one that I desire the love
I want you can't supply not
even if you try.
I just want to be a friends not a
lover not at all, to love your way
the way you love I can't that's all.
I like when we were friends you
didnt make no demands we spent
our time together and it was what
we had.
You miss what we had the friendship
that we built the closeness you felt
the love we have is friendship friendship.
You had to take control to try to
make it more to own something
take ownership of something that isn't.
You say one thing and do another
without even giving it a thought.
You run behind figure a face
of just a glance when that run out
you're off again to find another look.
Why can't we just be friend,
friendship is all we need
because I'm not right not for love
or anyone
because I don't know what is.


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