

Whats Left For Good Bye?

Company of oneself only suffice
when everyone leaves one
choked by strife
in two words for good to be
no longer beside or by
when yoked from life
all left to see inside a shell hides
in eyes closed of sight
fares well if so were I
often tempted not of to out of my hidden least or forgotten of to look for easter eggs one on were not to be forever
lost of them,
but then I remember screens and fonts texts not ink
on paper has become
the new cave walls
made for timeless
by our fingers see as paint
in count of numbers
touched by having found the keys bound in glass now more a caring brushstrokes runs back and forth
Comes to see in hope of another
will be so now by sharing see so thumbs tap to speak a sign language for morse code in this way means today those who pass away
their last words as were analogous once before written off or more often lost when noted or said come now to be sent digitally held for eternity were all then left behind to keep by all to be come shown to see as write for anyone who were still as the same unknown in life less remembered by words were not any type known to be famed for anonymous works uncredited masterpieces better unnamed were still by a hand of someone as one of the greats of our day found in the future by the A.I. Archaeologists for all to receive their fifteen minutes due in life paid eternity in death for there to be acclaimed by tomorrow as the same remembered to see them as the conquerors overthrown our kings lord overuled of the past as the medieval ancient times we are the last by sword and first punch thrown in order to be digital knights for our life experience is a renaissance of the electronic age in words for all the works made in surviving to become the timeless heard the same forever we will find someone even knighted entitiled Sir DavesNotHereMan.at.gmail.com the Great as defined as us if not for us by name to be known in life for how great once were one still unknown of Shakespeare as one writes..In that sense no hints are needed for someone at some point in time to find everything written left behind and likely see more in it then whatever were meant to leave them to find, after all science can confidently say, our works will now survive to see the end of days in time by contribution to the universal truth as information is the energy learned one never lessons two destroyed always teaches more four those left behind at least in sum equal way, So, that leaves plenty of opportunity for one to find then make it so to be as the future will be taught not by the past conquerors but the last left as the survivors what all were impossibly missed of to see for beauty went unseen today for then the same by tomorrow is still to be the blind to stay and say to see whats left one unappreciated while living is what comes to define the present divvying of indifference all shared of in death giving equal divide when found lost of what were meant to hide protected to be of importance as still lasting by honor left inside long after having seemed done and gone not so in passing by were one in passing on
and over til away in life,
no hints ever needing for someone someday yet will come to be found of all these words to find for theirs
a meaning held by reading our souls then will be those to see
of what riches there are after life
in our promised kingdom
for what from our souls we write
is a wealth of true freedom
lies just beyond any sound
read were so sincerely
carried off on so ever merely
to be just written by one so good
to stay right next to them instead
of reading left for better loans on life would be in place of so many
of these poems
for so much time spent left alone without ever saying any less
to the last one left
now long ago
leaves one only write
for no one to read to in silence
for all of these words must be
thought to give someone
with so many to still be
left inside one
and yet only two hear
by their echoes
the same as the last words heard
from those loved
when all for good
had left one behind
alone with the only good
ever left for anyone ever to find
were only,
in their,
good byes.

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