

I Miss My School days
#WritcoPoemPrompt49 @AtulPurohit

The days of slate and chalk,
Are not easy to erase,
They hold memories,
Of my childhood,

Waking up early
and getting ready...

Waiting for the bus to come
boarding bus and reaching school.

Greeting Teachers
Good Morning /Good Afternoon

Standing in Lines for assembly.
Prayer, Pledge, and national Anthem.

Pet sir's canning for incomplete school uniform
Going to classes in lines
standing for prayer bell to ring
we all together used to sing..

Classteacher taking attendance and start teaching.
Listening to lessons what they were teaching.

Doing mischievious acts and talking with fellow mates
Teacher's scolding and sometimes sending out of class.

Class leaders warning Father / Principal is coming,don't talk keep silence
writing names on blackboard.

Asking Friends not to remind for test or assignments.
Praying that teacher should not come or they should forget what they told.

Complaining to teachers was very common thing among us.

Sitting beside best friends
Teasing friends, nicknames, comparison, all those funny stuffs..

Copying answers from blackboard and completing notes standing near teachers desk for correction.

Teacher's keeping V.Good,Good for homework/classwork assignments.
Counting 'Good' how many times teacher kept and showing classmates " I got Good that was the Great achievement in those days.

Wednesday was the day we were eagerly waiting for.!
Playing games like colour-colour ,
hide n seek,Throwball, kabbadi, and
kho kho.

Last period was checking parent signature in school diary
In the evening everyone was ready to run and board bus.

Some friends acting like teachers and making fun of everyone.
Teasing with funny names to our fellow mates.
Everyone were friends no jealousy, no backbiting.
and all that Ego and proud were a great
No No.
Those were so beautiful days.
memories can't be forgettable.
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