

Its Just a Phase
From the first cry in the light,
A tiny soul takes its flight.
Little hands and baby’s smile,
A new journey starts, mile by mile.

In childhood's play, we laugh and run,
Chasing dreams under the sun.
Learning lessons, making friends,
In this world, joy never ends.

Then comes youth, with hopes so bright,
Finding love, reaching new height.
With every heartbeat, passions grow,
In the dance of life, we steal the show.

Adulthood brings its share of weight,
Responsibilities, choices, and fate.
Building dreams, a family near,
Facing challenges, conquering fear.

With time, we grow a little wise,
Glimpses of gray, we recognize.
In the sunset years, we reflect back,
Cherishing moments, on life's track.

As the final curtain starts to fall,
We gather memories, one and all.
In this cycle, life’s beauty we find,
From birth to death, a journey entwined.
© Nishmitha Kotian