

Entre la luna y tú
Quise cantarle a la luna
y te encontré noche dama,
de muchas te hiciste una,
y poesía mi corazón clama.

En los motivos va la verdad,
en apariencias damos fama,
impulso traemos crueldad,
y se lastima quien real ama.

Todos quieren ser montón,
y se minimiza al buen don.
Tocamos avaricia “din, don”
y al afán cerramos portón.

Por eso en tus ojos brillo,
para que brilles mi estrella,
no juzgo seas noche de ella,
si de día eres un ser sencillo.

Quiero afinarme dulce la voz
y darme tu amor en altavoz,
para que se opaque esa luna,
que como tú no hay ninguna.


Derechos reservados de autor.

Por: Eduardo Rivera (Lalo RIVER)

Between the moon and you

I wanted to sing to the moon
and I found you night lady,
you became one of many,
and poetry my heart cries out.

In the reasons goes the truth,
in appearances we give fame,
impulse we bring cruelty,
and who really loves gets hurt.

Everyone wants to be a lot
and the good gift is minimized.
We play greed “din, don”
and to the eagerness we close the gate.

That's why I shine in your eyes
so that you shine my star,
I do not judge you are her night,
if by day you are a simple being.

I want to tune my voice sweet
and give me your love on loudspeaker,
for that moon to darken,
that like you there is none.


© All Rights Reserved

By: Eduardo Rivera (Lalo RIVER)