

The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way, to life of grey, and misbehave,even though we pray,we still devil slave. The government don't care,only one who survive are millionaire, as the poor breath the devil air, that make life disappeared..so be kind to each other love once another..in God's eyez were sister and brother..From the same mother..But the devil make us hate each other...don't bother..jus wonder..cause the guy from under..he's here ..would not spare..nobody life ..that's why mankind paying the price..we made agreement with the aliens..pretend to be there friends ..but the urge of greed made us blind, not kind to see the sign .. impatient to late it's judgement. .. message.
8:00pm jackapone Ros 5-20-2020
be safe world...