

Whether a needle or a glass pipe the temptation is the same
Devil is wondering if you'll roll the dice on his game.
Of life or death, squeezing so tight just to choke her.
Like kyprotnite to superman, Batman to the Joker.
Powers over you so fiercely, you can never get away.
Mind spinning, body trembling, family starting to stray.
Because of a choice, your personality now gone.
Hatred festering inside, still will be present at dawn.
Shame and regrets start to come forth, rejection deep seeded.
Searching for treatment, knowing deep and true it's much needed.
Coming down is much more painful than any emotion you challenge.
Puzzle pieces of life, you try to fit together and salvage.
Needle now replaced with clarity and truth.
For now you've found the pot of gold, the brokenness why you used.
Thoughts are still there, to score just one more time.
To chase that feeling that once got you high.
But once you play the whole tape through you remember one thing.
Addiction itself, kept you from living. #addiction #montana #poetry #poems #creativity #sobriety #treatment
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