

Literature Is Dead
What if I told you literature was dead?

Would you believe what I said?

In fact your creativity is no longer needed just proceed to the nearest exit door.

I implore you find other options cause none of your hair-brained concoctions are really wanted anymore.

I'd suggest you explore ignoring your God-given aptitude. I'm eluding to your recent work as you call it. No matter how you try to doll it up it just sucks.


But you poured out your heart to do your part?

Ha ha ha It looks you didn't even start.

In fact everything you've ever written or thought is for naught.

You are all charlatans, just give it up before you are caught.

Everything you have ever written should be sitting at the bottom of a trash can right now

All of your talent endowed from the pen should have ended long ago.

Do you think so?

But... instead of just accepting what I stated as truth did your heart immediately deduce that this was a lie without vocalizing any cry?

Did you feel it deep down inside?


By modern means what I said could be considered true, so why did you automatically react so negatively in fact that your emotional feedback attacked my statement? Though, it's latent impact is harmless as but a fly.

By illiciting such a high response it shows your heart wants it to be false. This assault on your beliefs concedes one thing. That your creativity sings from the heart.

This sting that was imparted though only started by words converged into one small place encased within your chest. At the crest of human kindness and love this organ shoved within us all just stalled your brain and came into it's own. So what has this shown us? It must be independent if it sent out it's own indications and the implicatons for this cannot be dismissed.

In 1991 Dr. Andrew Armour found intrinsic cardiac neurons interfere on moments when our feelings upend the brains control and they come into their own. In fact they completely stand alone and are prone to interfere when things we hold dear are attacked. So, just earlier when I took a crack at belittling your profession that aggression you felt where was it dealt from?


We are going to have to depart with these deeply held beliefs that your brain is in control. Your hearts power is something you've known all of your life but why did it take me pointing it out with my slights for you to recognize it's might?

Shortsightedness? Perhaps?

But let's sit back for a moment and consider the programming we've have all had as children. Wasn't it considered bad if we just lept without thinking oftentimes quickly sinking in the deep end of the pool without thinking it properly through. Or perhaps back in school throwing a punch when the bully grabs your lunch? Without considering how much bigger he was and then he proceeded to shove you into a locker.

Girls! Have you ever mocked a classmate about their weight?... Did it satiate your need to make yourself feel better? But by setting her in that place did your heart immediately retaliate with guilt?

What about that bully that built a solid reputation as someone you don't mess with and you just punched him in the jaw? Well, your heart would immediately change if you saw how his parents intentionally aimed their fists towards him at home. Combing through your memory you saw bruises on his face and arms that weren't placed there by any of the other students harms. But your heart was alarmed when his newly bruised face showed up late to class the teacher quickly casting him out to detention no one quite eager to mention his tatty clothes full of holes showing neglect. Your mind uneffected but your heart started to bleed. Successfully seeing some one in need it proceeded to let you know that this boy's show needed intervention not yet another detention.

Mention this to someone and it was always after the fact when they finally react processing bits of information to station in their brain diagnosing if whether to entertain the police should be called. But your heart wasn't stalled was it? It knew from the moment you saw the scratches scrawled upon his face it embraced the situation quickly making the necessary associations far faster than your brain.

So why is the heart put into such disdain? Mainly because society expected you to memorize facts and figures in school putting us through rigorous tests to tell us who is best. But mess with the status quo and tell a Phd with numerous degrees that what he conceives is wrong and you will be wrung out to dry.

"How dare I!"

This scholar has memorized more knowledge than you can ever hope to attain. Kindly refrain from ever questioning what he says.

But, is he expressing his heart? Do you think he wanted to be that Phd from the start? Was there a 6 year old darting around in his past that wanted to be the fastest Indy car driver ever ranking higher than any that came before him?

Would it have be a sin for him to try?

Instead his eyes were redirected by societal norms to get him to conform. Disarm his hearts desires and extinguish that fire right away! He will stay in school no matter the cost even if his dreams are lost!

Oh! And be prepared to be tossed aside when your heart decides on something that has nothing to do with accruing social status. Even attempt to practice a trade that was aimed solely at following your heart and it doesn't immediately give you financial gain and you will be stained as a outcast. Your craft will be amassed as a waste of time and your inability join their "worthwhile affairs" will have you compared to doctors, lawyers, and some of the most prominent authors of our time. I'm inclined to ask you is that fair?

The majority not caring about their hearts needs they feed into a mass machine that's meant to keep you in 3D thinking. Imprinting conformity to the whole while the real spoils are dole solely out at the top. But, even if you make it to this "Cream of the crop" you will never stop on the hedonic treadmill. Forever still your desire for more will never be satiated. Congratulations you made it mate but, that woman you are dating is... well past her prime perhaps it's time you broke it off? Or that Lamborghini that you sought all your life despite its one-million dollar original price well, it's three years old. Time to get it sold you can't be viewed as someone who can't afford a new car. Our hearts are easily stifled by lifestyles like that. Are you capable of combating it? But also on that thought, can you see it for the trap it is?

Quiz your inner self are you developed enough to tough through the scrutiny? After your mutiny from their norms they will consistently attempt to make you conform. Your reform will be redefined never again to align with societies eyes. Despised for going your own way you also may have to be prepared to stay alone.

Can you own up to it?

To forever be the one shunned out and still be devout to your heart? Oh sure, it's going to be quite the tart little red pill to swallow. The shallow of virtue constantly pushing against your attempts to circumvent their mass hypnosis. But, your diagnosis to walk away and put your heart first might very well be worth it.

Your rebirth into aligning your heart and brain into creativity and decision making although pain staking at first will be well worth it when guilt, remorse, and the overall disdain usually obtained when the heart doesn't get to play it's part goes away and is replaced with a sense of flow you may have never known and then, that is when you will truly come into your own.

This zone of flow unknown to most is where true creativity exists. Admit it, when your heart is brought into the game it changes everything. Even when carrying a workload that would be daunting to most somehow the effortless flow of having the passion from your heart brought into play keeps the tiredness away. Trust me when I say it needs to be this way.

Stay this course and once you are used to being fed from source there will be no going back. Any attack on on your decisions to follow your hearts intuitions will no longer have permission to position itself within your psyche. The mighty heart will show you the way my friend. Allow it to ascend your life from everyday strife and you will become more alive than you could ever have contrived.
© Peter Gunn