

weirdos !!
they say sometimes a genius can be mistaken for a retard
the same guys who shed tears for actors playing nerdos
onscreen but rarely show empathy and regards
for the real life weirdos
who are often seen isolating and confining themselves to their shells
and the pain they often hide beneath their smiles like an ulcer that only swells
with every passing moment
their lamentous scars turning malignant
and with every hope of survival seeming distant....
until they learn to deal with it, their lives
and to contain their social anxieties till it subsides
but now that gives birth either to a ferocious beast
who now cares the least
about else's feelings like the world did to him
or an empath that understands others feelings like his own, tryna swim
through this ocean of sufferings,he's so lost in tending to others that he tries to rescue others before
his own boat catches hold of the distant shores !!

© @unshakableabhishek