

It's one of my many good luck charms
It isn't talked about alot
Seriously, anyways
We made joke about it
We're using it the wrong way
It's like talking you future
Having a vision in mind
I'm a Fortune teller?
Is this a crime?
I see it
I use it
Almost everyday
Just find the right words to say
Preaching what I want
Praises when it comes through
Do I abuse it?
Yes, I do
And others too.
But there's no rolled coaster
Life is now a straight road
No bends in the lines
Manifested all my life
Good thing to look back on
Nothing to learn my lesson
Just speak it
I'm on another level
No lefts all rights
One way road to stay
Can't park
Or else it will go away
Can't rest
Or it will disappear
Am I overthinking
This life is precious
It's something I created
For the reason of my success
Manifestation is not luck
Hard work is needed
It doesn't fall from the sky
But the puzzles line up
It doesn't stop
Coincidence I can't ignore
I think not
Can't just open a closed door
Find the key to unlock.
Manifesting so many things
No pause button
Why would you want it to stop?
This is all you ever wanted
Isn't all you want?
Come take it
As it starts to taunt.
© Moon Diaries