

Those Times He’d Leave
I heard him whisper in my ear
Words I never thought I'd hear
You see, he'd go and disappear
But days later, he'd reappear
Eager and quite full of vim
I could not get enough of him
So full of love and tenderness
But always something seemed amiss
We'd laugh all day, then reminisce
Our nights, were spent in wedded bliss
Our happiness we never feigned
Couldn't wait to do it all again
Yet there were little nagging signs
I tried reading between the lines

And then the day would come..., he'd leave
So fast, it gave me no reprieve
A double life, you see, he led
It was not only
Me...he wed

He thought I slept, but I heard his words
Which stunned and shocked me, afterwards
He'd spoken out, still stuck in sleep
His voice cracked as if he might weep...
"How can this be, this love," he said!
"Down two loving paths, I've been led!
This love I feel that runs so deep
Why must it be just one, I keep?
I must choose one, just to fit in?
Why can't a man love two women?”

Sharon Cunningham
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