

Failing Foundation
A lie written in gold
Is easier to believe
Then truth gently told
There’s no building upon rock
Only constructed upon sand
Swept away by the palm of your hand
Death is a constant cloud
That overhangs upon the heads
Of sluggards and fools that remain
Unwilling to believe
Its as if truth is dismissed
For a gain of sand
The treasure is death
When a lie is the foundation
It’s attractive, yes
But believing it will never bring the best
Ignorant, unwilling
To see that perspective is subjective
Truth is objective
And sets the feet on solid ground
It’s brittle, the lie believed
No rest, when the lie conceives death
In a life meant to live
We were all wicked once
When some choose truth
A foundational transformation takes place
A slow but beautiful transformation
The things of old die
Life comes forth as seedlings
Seeking a drink of water that won’t render one thirsty again
This is the truth
A slow burn
A continuous shedding of old skin
Truth is full of grace and mercy
A lie will lead to self-inflicted wounds
What would you rather gain?
An eternal treasure that will last forever
Or gold, like sand running through your hands
Only to leave you empty
And cold
Upon your head, the consequence of action, of thought
The lie believed delivers its death blow
The truth believed deliever a gentle flow
Of water to soothe the parched throat
Like gold wasted on fools
Is hope given to those
Who find comfort in the dark
Like gold wasted on fools
Is a mind that builds a foundation on a lie written in gold
© MattDyver