

Dancing with Shining White Souls

Dancing With Shining White Souls

As the sun sets on yet another day there is a sense of tranquility in a land far away. Where the dead speak from beyond the grave, whispering softly, passing on their messages from a future world, we have still to save.

Where souls roam free of bonds and ties. Sit in a quiet room and watch the setting sun, and remember those that have been lost.
The sky fills with an aurora of beauty, like flowers of orange and yellow that bloom. The light fades, as the stars come out in a symphony of magic and light.

As day gives way to night, in a melody of love and harmony, there is a backdrop of tragedy as the world looks on. In a flash of fate four thousand lights are suddenly extinguished, like candles in the wind, blown out by the breath of hate.

Then across the night sky, two angelic beams of light, omits radiance so bright as the world looks on with gazing eyes, fueled with rage and anguish, confused with profound grief and surprise.

Two twin giants, that once stood fast, are now but a distant memory, some where in the past. An empty space is all we now see, where the ghosts of those taken from us live on endlessly within our hearts. In a place filled with eternal promise, in a void with no time and space.

The night sky closes in, and all that we can see is the devil's grin, smiling back at you and me. At the moment of their passing over, into the world beyond realms of dark holes, those left behind play music to ease their pain and anguish; and begin dancing with shining white souls. Those man made beacons of light, continue to shine forever bright,as under the night sky, the stars and stripes fly. To give some hope to a nation ready to stand and fight

© Kaiden G. Stone