

In the garden of life, where flowers bloom,
There's a precious gem, dispelling gloom.
It's friendship, a bond, both strong and true,
A love that forever will shine for you.

Like stars that twinkle in the midnight sky,
Friendship's light never dims, never says goodbye.
Through the storms of life and sunny days,
In countless, beautiful and unique ways.

A friend is a treasure, a gift so rare,
A bond that's beyond compare.
In laughter and tears, they're always there,
With a love that shows how much they care.

When the world seems cold and filled with strife,
A friend brings warmth and endless life.
They lift you up when you're feeling low,
And with their support, your spirits glow.

Through trials and tests, you'll stand side by side,
In this journey of life, as friends, you'll glide.
With trust and understanding, hearts entwined,
Friendship's the treasure you're lucky to find.

So cherish each moment, each smile and tear,
For friendship's a gem that brings cheer.
In this beautiful tale, our hearts unite,
In the sweet embrace of friendship's light.
© Authority D'Writer