

Yes, you've made losses
You've carried crosses
Been made fun of by the masses

Yes, you have felt the pain of denial
Your secret thoughts are suicidal
Wondering when you'll overcome this trial
Crying day and night, hoping for a revival

You've had thoughts worthy to be called crimes
'Be encouraged! '
But you've heard that so many times
Now what?!

I'll tell you what
Through it all, you saw with your very eyes
How so quickly, time flies
You've overcome deadly tides
And been a victor in a battle you did not fight.

Are you willing to give up now?
Leaving the battlefield with a shameful bow?
The message is simple
Though the words are multiple;
Count your blessings

Sit still underneath that tree
Where you're sure the bees won't sting
And find gladness in the fact that you've been set free
Counting each blessing
Until they do not count


© Poetically_Ash