

Fade Like A Dream
Falling into shadows,
You scream for help,
But no one comes.
The end is close.

You see it,
Ignore it,
Hope it will
Fade like a dream.

Your nature is to fight,
But you’re tired now.
We are all tired now.
When will it stop?

It hurts to live,
It hurts to die.
You are ready and yet,
You still resist.

You live a complex life.
You have a fire inside,
But the flame is flickering
And about to turn to smoke.

We wait for the end.
We think we’re ready.
We are not ready.
How can we prepare?

Falling into darkness,
You plead for more,
But no one hears you.
The end is coming.

We see it,
Ignore it,
Fearing you will
Fade like a dream.

So you fight and shout,
Resist the truth,
Refuse to discuss
What you know you must.

We sit by your side,
Trying to pretend
We do not see the Reaper
Watching too closely.

We tell ourselves that
We are ready, but
No one is ever truly ready
To say goodbye.

The hardest part is waiting,
Whispering an unending goodbye,
Not knowing when the last
Moment will come to pass.

Falling into grief,
You ask for help,
But nothing can save you.
The end is here.

One day soon,
You will be gone.
Your life will
Fade like a dream.

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