

Dusk Calls For You
Collection:Love Bug Confession

What can i say...
I struggle to sleep
The sound of the african beat softly ringing in my ear
Makes me want you near
I call out aimlessly
But its in vein love staggers facelessly
I see it...
I drift...
Its You.
Dear child your mother knows not the love i have for you
I cry when you answer not to me
I break when we fight endlessly
I smile in your presence
And linger in your absence
What I know is that our love is perfect with its blemish
As twisted as it is, it shall flourish
Hear not me break
But hear me profess the love i have for you
Dawn calls
At early morning
When you're asleep or yawning
Dont let me escape your thoughts
I'm not her,him or them
Give me a chance
As I'd like to know your roots from ground up and pass the stem
Let us acquaint
Lets mend each others souls
Plaster with that
Dusk calls for you
To come near
Radiate with love
From fresh breath and true loves kiss
Set your heart aflight
As one can never love amiss