

Nurse Debra
In Nairobi's heart, where life beats strong,
A healer's touch, a nurse named Debra Chepngeno belongs.
In the halls of AAR Adams Clinic, she stands,
A guardian of health, with compassionate hands.

With each step, she strides in grace,
A symbol of care, a comforting embrace.
In the city's pulse, where chaos may dwell,
Debra brings solace, a healing spell.

Her smile, a beacon in the darkest night,
Guiding patients toward a hopeful light.
With dedication deep, like roots in the ground,
Debra tends to those lost, in health unbound.

In the clinic's halls, where stories unfold,
Debra listens with empathy, a heart of gold.
A nurse's calling, a sacred vocation,
She tends to wounds, a source of salvation.

Through the hum of machines and the buzz of the street,
Debra's presence, a melody, a rhythm sweet.
Her hands, skilled in the art of healing,
A symphony of care, her patients revealing.

In Nairobi's tapestry, she weaves a thread,
A lifeline of hope, where fears are shed.
AAR Adams Clinic, where Debra tends,
A sanctuary of health, where compassion blends.

So here's to Debra Chepngeno, the nurse,
In the clinic's haven, where ailments disperse.
May her days be filled with purpose and light,
A guiding force, in Nairobi's healing night.
© Destined Angel Debra