

God, Father, Mother, Friend, Brother, Sister, Son and Daughter
He is Aslaan, (King of the Jungle)
He is the King of the Cosmos,
He is the mighty Allah,
He Is Jesus, The Father And The Holy Spirit (1 God head Manifested in 3 froms)
He is Jehova, Jah,
He is Durga and the destructive Siva,
He is Ahura Mazda
He is Buddha and Krishna,
He is the peaceful Vishnu,
He is Quan Yin, Aset and Mother Mary,
He is, He is you!
The King of Kings,
A Lord over Gods and Mortals alike,
He is neither male nor female,
For they are above duality,
Manifested in this universe,
They are the divine Father and Mother,
Like two sides of the same coin,
Darkness and Light, constantly in flow,
Completely opposite, yet somehow still one,
In the beginning there was nothing,
I like to think of them as a neverending source of energy, completely surrounded by darkness, simply existing.
A source of creation that is independent of creation itself, Yet encompasses ALL OF IT!
A light so bright (noor) that no mortal can ever hope to see a sliver of His Majesty's true face unless truly blessed.
When Jesus/Yeshua gave the teaching, 'The Kingdom of God is within all of us.'
Is a parable in a sense that he was referring to the God spark that exists within all of us,
Call it your soul, higher consciousness or as the ancient Hindu saints named it (THE ATMAN)
This life is a divine play, if there truly wasn't an all powerful 'God' in the universe,
Where does the miracle of life come from, statistically speaking the age of the earth which is unknown either (millions or billions of years old) is impossible not to have had an earth shattering cataclysmic event,
Be it an asteroid, the earth slowing down or speeding up for even a SECOND, would have countless consequences for life on our planet.
So my advice to you would be to open your eyes and seek God to find and see God with a pure heart, and speak to him as a son to a father or a daughter to a mother, and I promise you'll be in for a pleasant surprise.
But they're love is earned the hard way, through endless trials, tests and self growth/love.
Go in peace and may there be peace in your lives and homes 🙏🏻

Amen, Ameen, Ashe, Jai 🙏🏻❤️‍🔥

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