

Close for a floss
Tik tok !tik tok!
The sound of the clock,too close,
My heart beating , I was to floss,
The serious life, wow!I loved the mien,
For my heart had made him mine

Tik tok !tik tok !
Too close for a floss,
To bold for a fold,
I had to be livid for a forever living,
Damn, first step he made at the steep.

Tik tok !tik tok!
First kiss in confusion,
First cuddle in suffocation,
suffocated in love and confusion,
For I knew him not for a transformation.

Tik tok! tik tok!
He then was on his knees,
For among the maids, he had his niece,
I am a small little bitch with itch,
For at the end, I flossed not in his closeness.